You've been chosen to give life!

This blog is intended to stir up the hearts of the marys of my time who are pregnant with a vision or an assignment from God intended to transform the lives of the women of my generation. These women know for sure they have conceived but don't know how, why and when they will bring forth their seed. My mandate is therefore to nuture their seeds to full term so that they cast not their young before its time to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So let's engage...

Monday 29 September 2008

Worship vs Service..What's the difference?

I pray to God that this week brings you into a much better understanding as to why you have been chosen as a vessel fit for the master's use.

Quite lately, I have been pondering on this...Have I found the right balance between Worship and Service? Do I make a conscious distinction between the two in my daily walk with God? What does it really mean to worship and what does it mean to serve? By His special grace, I will be sharing with you revelations from God's word as it relates to this issue. I particulary have decided to undertake this study to ensure that I don't spend my life walking in God's permissive will but much rather His perfect will for my life. Your comments are most welcomed and should be sent to . We will endeavour to post as many as we can.

Turn your bible with me to Luke 10: 38-42. This scripture was one of the revelations that God gave to me to confirm His call upon my life to birth forth the Chosen to give Life vision. Jesus was admonishing Martha to choose the better part of sitting at His feet. The bible records that Martha was overly occupied, too busy and was distracted with much serving. She even tried to get Jesus to reason with her. "Lord, is it nothing to you that my sister has left me to serve alone?", she asked? Before Jesus could respond to her question, she'd assumed that He understood that it was unfair for Mary to let her do all the work because she quickly added, "Tell her then to help me!"

Martha represents a host of women today who are caught up in the demands of life, rightfully and wrongfully, and who have come to accept this as a normal lifestyle for a woman. The average woman is overly concerned about the daily activities around her and feels a sense of responsibility to be "involved". She channels her strength into serving others because she believes that it is naturally expected of her, whether married or unmarried.

In comparison, her sister's heart was elsewhere. Next week, we will look at what distinguishes Mary.......and why Jesus said..."Mary has chosen the better part!

Monday 22 September 2008

The Joy of His presence

To sit at the feet of Jesus is the greatest honour any woman can aspire for. It is not just an act of submission to the teachings of our Lord and saviour but much more an intimate experience that cannot be described. I wonder how many women's heart would skip a bit at the thought of retreating into the presence of their God. Trust me, not many.

When mary was told by the angel that God had chosen her to bring forth the messiah, she was gobsmacked! How can this thing be, she said, seeing that I know not a man? The angel replied, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the highest will overshadow you.........."!

My most beloved sisters, I am trusting God to use this forum to raise women in these last days who will take their intimacy with God seriously and be used by God bring forth a revival amongst women of all races who have rejected the love of a most loving God.

The deliverance of many women bound by tradition and by men is highly dependent on your obedience and timely response to this awesome call into His presence.

Let's sharpen one another, work with singleness of heart and towards one heavenly purpose, as we determine in our hearts to make a remarkable difference to our generation. Remember, 2 are better than 1, for we will most surely have a greater reward(harvest) for our work.
