You've been chosen to give life!

This blog is intended to stir up the hearts of the marys of my time who are pregnant with a vision or an assignment from God intended to transform the lives of the women of my generation. These women know for sure they have conceived but don't know how, why and when they will bring forth their seed. My mandate is therefore to nuture their seeds to full term so that they cast not their young before its time to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So let's engage...

Monday 27 October 2008

As the year draws to a close.....

One thing I take seriously are my spiritual goals. God thought me some years ago to focus on spiritual aspirations for therein lieth true fulfillment. Such goals are primarily centered around Christ and the work that is close to His heart. And so this year, I purposed and planned to be spiritually fruitful.

I don't know what your goals comprised of this year but it may well be that you placed certain requests before God at the start of the year which you felt needed to be answered before you can get on with the work God has called you to promote. And it just may be that the answers are yet to come.

I exhort you by the mercies of God to surrender ALL at His feet and get on with the work at hand. It has been confirmed in the scriptures that the catching of the fish lies in the throwing in of the net by FAITH! Therefore, attend unto the work first and surely, as the Lord liveth and it remains impossible for him to lie, You will receive the answers in the acceptable and perfect time of your God. Enter into the rest of your God and be still! He has a master plan that is about to unfold before your very eyes.

Monday 20 October 2008

Worship vs Service..What's the difference? (III)

I pray that as you take on board the message in these revealed words and commit to abiding in the presence of your God, your life will not remain the same again. Let's now examine what Jesus meant when He said, " Mary has chosen the better part which shall never be taken away from her".

I love the Amplified translation of this verse of the bible. It goes indepth into the real benefits of worship over much serving. It makes known the truth that Worship will profit you and always be to your advantage. In other words, It will do you good always. It will bring you favour before the living God and divine favour with men. Like Jesus, when you spend much time in His presence, God's power will always goes before you to do exploits in His name. The power of His word will draw men unto the source of all goodness and righteous living..even our Lord Jesus Christ.

Men will NOT glorify you but your father in heaven who works through you. This is because you will be different to the rest of the world and be distinguished by His spirit and wisdom that is upon your life. Those who come in contact with you will know that you CANNOT author such goodness as it is impossible with men. So they'll begin to seek after that "thing" that sets you apart from the rest. Therefore, your obedience to draw nigh unto God will release a host of other women to return to the feet of Jesus. They will begin to seek the rest, peace and joy that becomes your portion in life.

That verse of the scripture also says that "It will never be taken away from her". In other words, no human being can draw you away from His presence except YOU decide to forsake your God-given place at His feet. You are secure and shadowed from the snares of the world and can be sure to find Him waiting anytime you dare to separate your self from the cares and distractions of this life.

How comforting and refreshing to know that He'll always be there for you! Without a doubt, it is impossible to have such confidence in a human being because men will always fail you. Maybe not yesterday, not now but surely on the morrow because that's just the way we were made. The bible says that Woe is unto a man who puts his trust in another human being!

I have chosen to make my place at His feet permanent for the above reasons and can wholeheartedly say that my joy is full. Challenges will surely come and trust me they are with me as I write but I am assured that my help comes from the Lord ALONE. I see Him make ways where there seems to be no way, he answers even before I call, he gives me divine wisdom that miraculously turns situations around and more especially, His rest and peace on every side.

Worship, my beloved sisters, is the highest calling upon our lives! As you ponder on all of this, I want you to know that I love you dearly and remain in prayer for you as you joyously and wholeheartedly respond to this clarion call.

Monday 13 October 2008

Worship vs Service..What's the difference? (II)

Dearly beloved, My apologies for being unavailable last week as this was due to pre-planned engagements that could not be postponed. The story of Mary is very close to my heart and I desire nothing more than to share it with you.

The bible tells us that Mary sitted herself at the feet of Jesus and refused to allow the daily actvities of life distract her. In other words, she made Jesus her first priority in life and took the time she spent with Jesus very seriously. She knew that it was only at His feet that she could get the answers and the truth she so desperately needed to hear.

Like Mary, our lives must be centered around learning of Jesus for He is the way, the truth and the life that we must all live. When we allow ourselves to be distracted from worshipping Jesus, we can never be truly fulfilled in our walk with the Lord. For how can you walk with someone you don't know? Service involves waiting on other human beings (as a service to God) but not on God himself. Worship on the other hand means waiting on God and can only be done in holiness. i.e. by separating your self so that you can commune with Him intimately. The Bible calls us " a Holy nation" meaning, "people set apart to worship God".

Worship requires passion and commitment, knowing that the much you put into it is most surely what you will get from it. When you spend much time in God's presence, He will teach you to be more like Him and less like the world. For though we are in this world, we do not belong to this world. We are His ambassadors to make known His truth to all mankind so that they will not perish but come to the saving knowledge of Christ, the son of the living God.

For the women of my generation, Mary points the way walk with Christ...we must all learn to sit at His feet and learn of Him. For only in His presence are we truly sanctified and empowered to do great things for Him. Think about how much of a difference it will make if a host of us arise and take our place at His feet. How blessed our generation would be and what a legacy we will live for our daughters after us!