You've been chosen to give life!

This blog is intended to stir up the hearts of the marys of my time who are pregnant with a vision or an assignment from God intended to transform the lives of the women of my generation. These women know for sure they have conceived but don't know how, why and when they will bring forth their seed. My mandate is therefore to nuture their seeds to full term so that they cast not their young before its time to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So let's engage...

Monday 24 November 2008

In the season of famine, you shall be satisfied!

Yes , I know what you may be saying and I know the times have been extremely challenging, but God's word never changes! Heaven and Earth may pass away but His word endures forever. So tell me, who's report will you believe?

I am reminded about the plagues that came upon the Egyptians when they refused to let the Isrealites go. I remember also that the land of Goshen i.e. the city where the Isrealites lived, prospered and the people were unaffected by the plagues.

God specially provides for his own and has promised neither to leave them nor forsake them. If you will call upon His name and believe Him to provide, sustain and promote you even in this season of famine, It SHALL be done for you in accordance with your faith.

So rather than spend your time analysing the current events in an attempt to make sense of it all, it is a time to retreat into the presence of your God so that you may hear him speak expressly concerning your future. You will hear those reassuring words just as I have heard them over the last few days, " Fear not my daughter.... for God is on your side"! What a priviledge!

Monday 10 November 2008

As the year draws to a close III

I pray that you remain encouraged in your ministry to our Lord Jesus Christ. The bible records that in the days of adversity, our strength is made small. But it also says that in all our weaknesses, God's strength is made perfect.

So no matter what challenges may come your way and no matter what fears the current climate may bring, there is a mighty God of all who sure knows the end of the matter from its beginning. So there's no point you pondering and wondering. Enter into the rest and fellowship of your God. For it was for this reason that Christ died for us, haven taken the chastisement of our peace upon his head. By the stripes of Jesus, we are healed and delivered from all the arrows of the enemy that fly by each day.

More than anything else, this is a season for godly wisdom. Take all your pursuits before God first and ask for his direction and approval before you embark on any venture. God remains most faithful to meet with you in that place of prayer for He himself commands us to call upon Him. He will hear out of his holy hill and reveal great and mighty things that are to come to you.

I am so excited about this season that we are in for it is a great time of ministry. Seize the moment and declare the faithfulness of your God. Don't be drenched in your own problems but rather look out expectantly for the great opportunities for ministry that God is bringing your way. Men will be humbled when they realise that they need something much more than their riches, something lasting and dependable, to rely on in times like this.

Jesus makes all the difference. He is the one that can change laws so that you suddenly become favoured; the one who shields you from all the unknown plans of the enemy; the one who provides you with bread so that in the times of famine, you are full; and he is the one who gives you peace, so that when you lie down to sleep, you are not afraid. He is most worthy to be praised. Let everything that has breath praise the awesome name of my God and they SHALL be saved. Amen

Monday 3 November 2008

As the year draws to a close II.....

I bring you good news in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.... that in All the challenges that you may be facing today, you are still more than a conqueror. For His word says that your blessing, your lifting up and the season of your rest is for an appointed time in God's calendar. So though your blessing seems to tarry, you must wait patiently for it. For when it eventually comes, its splendour will speak for itself and It will not lie. All will see it and know that of a truth, God has come through for you. Stay focused for you will rejoice in your season and all who hear of your exaltation will gloriously rejoice with you. I stand in faith with you and believe wholeheartedly that it will most surely come to passs. Amen