You've been chosen to give life!

This blog is intended to stir up the hearts of the marys of my time who are pregnant with a vision or an assignment from God intended to transform the lives of the women of my generation. These women know for sure they have conceived but don't know how, why and when they will bring forth their seed. My mandate is therefore to nuture their seeds to full term so that they cast not their young before its time to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So let's engage...

Saturday 31 January 2009

Are you on track?

As the first month of the year draws to a close, it's worth making that all needful assessment of how faithful you have been in your walk with the Lord. How much life would you say you have given to those around you - your husband, your children, your colleagues, your friends, your fellow brethren, your neighbours, the lost, your church or your community?

If we are sincere to ourselves and the God who has called us, we will admit that there were instances where we could have made a difference but either chose not to or we just could not afford the sacrifice due to the ever-increasing commitments that we have. But check it out...

Are those commitments focused on your personal needs - your home, your work, your business and your social aspirations? Or were they related to listening to others unburden their pain, interceeding for the victory and deliverance of a friend or foe, meeting a neighbour at the point of their need or guiding others in the truth contained in God's word?

Can we honestly say we got the balance right? Where you out there serving the community and church while your family suffered? Or where you so focused on your family and personal needs that you didn't make time for the needy or poor in spirit? Where did your priorities lie in January 2009?

It is wise for us to take stock regularly and be assured that God is well pleased with us. The Bible says that God knows our works and He sees the affairs of men. So whilst you may not be asked to give account of your work today, there is a book of remembrance where all good works will be stored and eventually rewarded in an appointed time.

Our Lord Jesus commanded his disciples (you and I) in Mathew 28 :18-20:

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All power in heaven and on earth is given to me. So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything that I have taught you and I will be with you always , even until the end of this age.

So I ask, were you a disciple in January 2009? Ponder on this and be ever determined to make a remarkable difference in February 2009. I love you with the love of God and I am praying for you.

Monday 12 January 2009

Have you set your 2009 Spiritual goals yet?

Blessed and favoured one, Happy New year to you once again! I trust you are as excited as I am about 2009. I believe you have started the year by seeking and planting your self in the presence of your God so that He can reveal to you His plans for your life this year. Remember, His word says that if you seek Him early, you will find Him!

And so, may I humbly ask, What spiritual goals have you set for yourself in 2009? Remember, the bible says it shall be from "glory to glory". Your 2009 spiritual levels must exceed those of 2008. You must be more fruitful in your walk with God in 2009 than you were in 2008. You must love God and your neighbour much more this year than you did last year.

Remember, your goals must be SMART!

S - Specific - Define exactly what you are expecting - How, why and when you want to achieve your goals
M- Measurable - You must be able to easily measure your accomplishments periodically.
A - Attainable - Ensure you have unrestricted access to what you need to accomplish your goals
R - Realistic - Don't set goals that you truly know you can't make time for or those impossible to achieve in light of your circumstances. Are you able and are you willing? Can you pay the price for it? These are key questions you must ask yourself when setting your goals.
T - Timely - You must define your time frame for achieving your goals as this will create the sence of urgency needed to plant you at your new levels.

Now get started! As you set your mind on pleasing God this year, you will most surely enjoy a fruitful and victorious walk with the Lord and make the ordained impact you were created to make. Get more intimate with your Lord. Separate time to fellowship with Him as you would your lover. Let Him teach you what pleases Him and what He wants to accomplish through you. Remember, you are His vessel and He wants to beautify you so that you will manifest His glory before men. I truly love you in Christ and I am praying for you.

Thursday 1 January 2009

2009 - A year "without limits"!

A woman of God whom I love and cherish so dearly sent me this word just as the year 2008 was drawing to a close. She said "It will be a year "without limits"! I meditated on it for some time and great excitement began to well up inside of me. The mere thought of the fact that in 2009, God's people will all be able to do and receive exceedingly abundant things that are beyond our imagination is mind blowing! Comparing these divine words to what the world's renowned analysts predict 2009 to bring makes it the more exciting!

Beloved, I am excited about 2009. To overcome any limitations in my life, I have determined in my heart to walk ever more closely with the Lord this year. I want to sit at His feet, learn of Him so that I may be more like Him and less like what the world expects. I want to trust and depend on Him completely for my very existence and to be led by Him every waking moment. I want Him to reveal His ways to me just as He did to his servant Moses. I want to walk worthy of His call upon my life, ensuring that He is well pleased with me on every side and that the outward appearance that you see will mirror the inward beauty that God sees and desires. In so doing, I will be preparing myself (and by extension my household ) for His glorious appearing, whenever He chooses to come.

As I made this desire known to the Lord in prayer, this was the response He gave me through His word I read this morning:

Psalm 1:1-3

Happy are those who don't listen to the wicked, who don't go where sinners go, who don't do what evil people do. They love the Lord's teachings, and they think about those teachings day and night. They are strong, like a tree planted by a river . The tree produces fruit in season, and its leaves don't die. Everything they do will succeed...

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound of it all. I invite you to take this position too in 2009 and watch God catapult you from grass to grace..

Have a blessed and fruitful walk with the Lord in 2009. I love you and I am praying for you.