You've been chosen to give life!

This blog is intended to stir up the hearts of the marys of my time who are pregnant with a vision or an assignment from God intended to transform the lives of the women of my generation. These women know for sure they have conceived but don't know how, why and when they will bring forth their seed. My mandate is therefore to nuture their seeds to full term so that they cast not their young before its time to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So let's engage...

Monday 23 February 2009

Let God define your race!

My beloved sisters in Christ:

I pray my mail meets you well, focused and expectant of God's continued presence in your life. I have pondered on this question over the last month, "What really is my race"? What is my specific assignment on this earth? The bible says that every man has a distinct call of God upon his life. Jesus said in the book of John..." For you have not chosen me but I have chosen you...".This means that God has chosen you as a vessel for His own purpose. My question to you however is this, " Do you know God's purpose for your life"?

I want to challenge you to go before your God and let Him confirm this to you. It can be dangerous to aspire to be like or covet another man's gift just because you would like people to recognise and reward your capabilities. You may not have the measure of grace that is required to function in that capacity. The bible says that God will not give to you more than you can bear! This tells me that He knows what is right and perfect for you and therefore you must seek to discover it. Men may tell you of YOU but get a direct confirmation from God so that when you are challenged, you can go back to God and say, chose me for this assignment, therefore, I trust you to equip me for it!

God has deposited so much in you that you are yet to discover. His ways are perfect so you can be assured that you will be victorious and successful in the work that He commits into your hands. You were created to give Him glory, therefore, it must always be His agenda and not yours!

So let God help you define your race today. Jesus and Paul boldly declared and triumphantly finished their race . May God's vision and purpose for your life be made plain and known to you in Jesus mighty name.. amen. I love you dearly and I am praying for you!

Monday 9 February 2009

That I may know him more and more!

Let's talk about this frankly and with all sincerity of heart......

You make some fundamental mistakes and let God down again. You sincerely repent and genuinely desire to walk with God and let Him direct the affairs of your life. You hear an inspiritual message which makes you jump, scream and wail until there is no more strength in you. All you can say is "Lord, have mercy. I have messed up big time again...please give me another chance...this time, I will walk right with you and seek you with all my heart".

Then you proceed to set yourself new rules, new goals and make the effort to take the things of God seriously. All goes well in the first week..and the second and then the third and you think, "All is calm and peaceful now. I'm back on track and the Lord is on my side! My enemies have all disappeared and can no longer throw cunning devices my way"!

So you relax and take things easy....prayer is no longer a hunger, studying the word requires much effort and the joy of worship starts to wane. But little do you know that the enemy's exit is temporary as he goes to reinforce and to seek another angle to penetrate through!

Makes sense?..No wonder the bible admonishes us to be stedfast, not to faint and to pray continuously without ceasing. You are not expected to live in fear of the devil but rather to worship your God in truth as you continue to build up your spirit man. So that even when the enemy does come like a flood, the spirit of Christ's righteousness in you and his glorious peace that passes all human understanding will raise a standard against the enemy and his ploys. In the midst of those challenges, you will not be moved for you know whom you have believed. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. His faithfulness is unto the end and His promises never fail. He will do exactly what He said He would and will most surely save you from all your troubles.

So if ever you are tempted to forsake His presence for a season, remember, He has chosen you to live before Him forever. That's why you have no choice but to seek to know Him more and more! And trust me, you will not be done with this wonderful privilege before He returns to take you home to himself at His appointed time. I love you dearly and I am praying for you.