You've been chosen to give life!

This blog is intended to stir up the hearts of the marys of my time who are pregnant with a vision or an assignment from God intended to transform the lives of the women of my generation. These women know for sure they have conceived but don't know how, why and when they will bring forth their seed. My mandate is therefore to nuture their seeds to full term so that they cast not their young before its time to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So let's engage...

Monday 28 December 2009

Let's examine our ways and return back to God!

My beloved sisters, I write to you tonight with a great desire and expectation in my heart that you will receive this word in season with all humility (just like I have done) and with a willingness to live a life that pleases God. I trust you remain convinced that God has chosen you for His purpose and that the life you live must conform to His will.

At this time of the year, I believe it is sensible to take stock and to assess how much you have accomplished to fulfill His plan for you on this earth. Can you honestly say you know without an iota of doubt His mandate for you? Do you have a clear direction on what God has created you specifically to do? Have you ever desired any of the nine gifts of the spirit and can you confidently say that you are operating in these gifts? How spiritually fruitful would you say your life has been in 2009? Can you truly admit to yourself that you know when God is and is not speaking to and through you?

Have you approached the challenges of your life in faith or in fear? Has God been glorified in every circumstance of your life this year? Can you honestly confess that though those challenges have been tough and there have been many disappointments, you have not ceased to judge God faithful but have trusted Him completely? How much of your time has been spent sitting at the feet of your Lord Jesus to learn of Him? Do you find that you started the year with such high aspirations of impacting lives but yet you were overcome with the busyness of a lifestyle that you created for your self? How much spiritual strength have you provided to your family in 2009? Or did you find that you were diligent in ministering to your loved ones but often could not find the time to reach out to the lost? How many souls would you say you led to Christ in 2009 and you can testify abide in Christ till now? Was it even a desire, a prayer point, an effort or an aspiration at all? How many promises did you break to God and man?

Did you vow and yet failed to honour your words? What about those times when you felt led to do something but then you were too occupied with other things to see the leading through? How much time did you waste on unprofitable things which could have been spent in solitude, discovering the power of God's written word? On how many occasions were those meditations of our heart contrary to the nature of our Lord Jesus Christ but yet you felt justified? Would you say you tried to live a balanced life to God's glory? Could you honestly say that in 2009, you strived to live just like Our Lord Jesus did?

Beloved, let's be honest with one another. Life has only two destinations - Heaven or Hell! The Holy Bible is the only guide on how to get to the right destination. The way to eternal life of joy and peace is through receiving Jesus into your life and making Him Lord over your daily living. In other words, strive to live the life Jesus lived and I assure you that by the end of 2010 ( if the Lord tarries), you will have a better and sure testimony of being prepared and ready for your Master's return. And as we faint not in seeking His presence, we will become more like Him and make a life-changing difference to our generation.

I love you most dearly and look forward to your exaltation in Christ as we go forth to do greater exploits in the name of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, Amen!