You've been chosen to give life!

This blog is intended to stir up the hearts of the marys of my time who are pregnant with a vision or an assignment from God intended to transform the lives of the women of my generation. These women know for sure they have conceived but don't know how, why and when they will bring forth their seed. My mandate is therefore to nuture their seeds to full term so that they cast not their young before its time to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So let's engage...

Friday 23 April 2010

King Jesus - The only meidator between God and man!

God's presence is a realm that is often confused with the conscious attempt to appear and sound holy. On the contrary, it is much more than that. Entering into God's presence is not something you do how and when you feel like it. As it was when the tabernacle was built, there were clear instructions and processes to follow - You had the outer court, the Holy place and the Holy of Holies. The Holy of Holies was separated by a thick veil from the Holy place and it was forbidden for an ordinary man to approach the Holy of Holies, for within it was the ark of God i.e. the very presence of the living God.

And in those days, not just anyone had access to the presence of God. Only the high priest was able to go in there once a year to make atonememnt for his sins and those of God's people, the Isrealites. And even then, he could not get to the Holy of Holies directly. He had to first pass through the Outer court, the Holy Place before he could get to the Holy of Holies.

But glory to Jesus, who has triumphed gloriously on our behalf. Through His death, that veil has now been torn from top to bottom to enable us all, ordinary and extraordinary, to gain access to the very presence of the most high God.

But does this now mean that since we have this right of access, principles no longer apply? I do not believe so. In the first instance, access can only be gained through our believe and acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. And as we accept Him, we must now live,move and have our being in Him. It is through him that we are justified and no longer through the law of the old covenant. He is the authoer of the New covenant, the only one mediator between God and man and has been highly exalted by God.

He is the new High preist of our lives who is seated at the right hand of the throne of majesty in the heavens and He is the minister of the sanctuary. He is the way, the truth and the life, set forth as a propitiation by His blood. He is the mercy seat of God, the blessed and only potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, the king eternal, immortal, invisible and the only wise God. He is the bread of life.

Therefore worship Him in the beauty of His holiness. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and let Him direct the path of your life. Delight in Him in your inward parts and not in the flesh. Let your life daily glorify Him again and again. For He alone is the only way through Which we have access to God. I love you most dearly and Iam praying for you.