You've been chosen to give life!

This blog is intended to stir up the hearts of the marys of my time who are pregnant with a vision or an assignment from God intended to transform the lives of the women of my generation. These women know for sure they have conceived but don't know how, why and when they will bring forth their seed. My mandate is therefore to nuture their seeds to full term so that they cast not their young before its time to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So let's engage...

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Lift up your eyes!

As I mediate this morning on what the Lord would have me share with you in this season of His favour and lifting, the Lord laid the scripture John 4: 35 in my heart:

"Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest".

Beloved, these are the last days and the souls of many are perishing due to ignorance of the truth. But until you and I arise from our comfort zones and take the truth and faithfulness of God's love to the ends of the earth, many will continue to perish. Christ has redeemed us so that through us, many will come to believe in Him. This is not a time to rest on our oars but to arise with what is in our hands! It's time to wait on God in prayer and good works so that the hearts of men will be receptive to the salvation that Christ purchased for us all on the cross. It is not a time to amass for ourselves but to lay down our lives for others.

"Lift your eyes” is a command from our Lord Jesus Christ. For men are seeking to know the way, the truth and the life! Many are perishing in the valley of decision. And so He commands,

Lift up your eyes Sister!
Lift up your eyes Brother!
Lift up your eyes Man of varlour!
Lift up your eyes Daughter of zion!

The harvest is indeed plentiful but the harvesters are so few! It's time for those of us who are experiencing the grace of God to lift up our heads and open our eyes so that we can see others who are wounded, deceived but ready to be delivered! Until you lift your eyes and look around you, you cannot see the ripeness of the fields!

This is not the time to judge men in their wrong doings but to arise as light in the midst of this darkness! To present yourself as salt of the earth by which the world around you will be seasoned ! Remember, God does not want anyone to perish but desires all to come to repentance! May God cause you to Arise from SLUMBER & bring down His glory upon men!