You've been chosen to give life!

This blog is intended to stir up the hearts of the marys of my time who are pregnant with a vision or an assignment from God intended to transform the lives of the women of my generation. These women know for sure they have conceived but don't know how, why and when they will bring forth their seed. My mandate is therefore to nuture their seeds to full term so that they cast not their young before its time to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So let's engage...

Saturday 3 September 2011

The Lord is on your side!

As I write today to you, I want to help you appreciate how blessed we are to have God on our side!

God will draw nigh to those who are willing to receive Him and to those who reach out to Him in spirit and in truth.

God is holy and cannot behold iniquity. His word, the holy scriptures, guides us on what pleases God and how He can be drawn to us.

Listed below are some of the revelations that i have personally received from studying the scriptures and I pray they will bless and revive

your relationship with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

Study and learn of Him daily by reading your bible and applying what you have read in the way you conduct your affairs.
Approach His throne of grace in humility and in all reverence for the one who holds the keys to life!
Worship Him in spirit and in truth. Let your heart truly pant for His glorious presence in your life.
Love Him with all your heart and mind. Let there be NONE before Him. For apart from Him, you can do absolutely nothing.
Make Him the centre of your being. In Him alone can you truly, move, live and have your being. Consult Him in every matter.
Be ready and willing to talk about Him and to tell of His endless love, enduring mercy and faithfulness.

By the time you get through practicing even one of the above spiritual exercises, you will undoubtedly feel the presence of God's love in your life. You will enjoy a fruitful walk with God and experience His peace in a new way. Never a day will pass again without you declaring, "had it not been for the Lord who was on my side! His grace will become real to you like never before.

I love you my beloved and have truly missed writing to you. God is doing awesome things in my life and I daily stand in awe of Him!