You've been chosen to give life!

This blog is intended to stir up the hearts of the marys of my time who are pregnant with a vision or an assignment from God intended to transform the lives of the women of my generation. These women know for sure they have conceived but don't know how, why and when they will bring forth their seed. My mandate is therefore to nuture their seeds to full term so that they cast not their young before its time to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So let's engage...

Friday 23 December 2011

As 2011 draws to a close.......

Beloved of God,

I pray my mail meets you desiring something new,something inspirational! I can't but look back to see how gracious, faithful and merciful God has been to me and mine. I truly stand in awe of a great God, the one and only living and true God. It was at a time like this last year in the United Kingdom that God began to speak His word to me concerning the future things that lay ahead. I did not fully understand but the words He spoke softly to my heart, " Daughter, your latter days shall be greater"! Ministered deeply to the very core of my being - I believed it wholeheartedly and ran with those words as we entered into 2012.

I felt led to forget the former things in my life - Yes,all my hurts,failures and even my past successes - in preparation for something phenomenal and brand new - as I was about to turn 40 years of age! I was not afraid to tell the world the secrets of my life and to let them know that I was not perfect and that my life was not as uneventful as it appeared to many. I was ready to let go and let God take FULL control of the next phase of my life. I had my faults, I'd been through difficult times but I unashamedly have always declared this one thing - had it not been for the Lord who was on my side!

The conviction of God's word led me to write my latest book " Your latter days shall be greater"! - a testimony of how God brought me through wilderness experiences- going from grass to GRACE! I truly believed that God was about to do a brand new thing in my life although I did not know the specifics of it all. And the truth is I still don't!

Nonetheless, faith, believe and trust in the living God spurred me on to dedicate this new beginning in my life with a birthday service which was attended by over 200 guests. I dedicated this day to God and gave Him the honor and glory that is due to His Holy Name. The event was celebrated as an outreach and to as many that honored my invitation, I know they have become great partakers of this great grace that was poured out upon my life, family and ministry that day!

Barely, two months after that event, God opened a door for me and my family in Asia and today, as I write to you from Malaysia, I bow in
honor of a God who opens doors that NO man can - who creates a path in the mighty waters and rivers in the desert. I exalt you Lord above All!

Let me encourage you my beloved - take time out this holiday season and wait before your God. He will reveal His will for your life and convict you of His purpose and your destiny. When you receive that word directly from Him, you may not fully understand it. All you need to do is believe and run with it and before you realize it, you shall become like those who dream! All who see and hear your testimony will acknowledge that you are surely the seed and remnant that the Lord has favored!

And so you can imagine what I will be doing again this year - listening and waiting for that still, small but powerful, life changing and destiny fulfilling voice of the most High God.

My prayer for you is that you will be doing exactly that. I love you and pray that God will satiate our souls daily with the goodness and fullness of His presence as we live before Him always!